Acoustic Signature Typhoon NEO, TA-5000, Palladian cartridge.

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Acoustic Signature Typhoon NEO TT + TA-5000 tone arm and Palladian cartridge? Its the Ultimate TT set up.

Now at True Audiophile.

As the smashing review says: "Does anyone really NEED a $34,000 turntable/arm/cartridge setup like the Acoustic Signature Typhoon NEO, TA-5000 and Acoustical Systems Palladium? Well, of course not!"

However, if you can swing the cost you'll have the ultimate turntable/arm/cartridge available. Obviously a remarkable setup.

Too Much?

You can Ala Cart if you wish:

Typhoon Neo TT: $15,595.00

TA-5000 Tonearm: $7,895

Acoustical Systems Palladian cartridge: $10,500

But really? If you can swallow the price go for the finest in the world (IOHO).

Here's Part-time Audiophile's review:

I’ve written before about my love of vinyl and how that it’s not nearly as faithful to the source as the digital counterpart. I’ve found that I can definitely enjoy the sound of records without having to have a mega-expensive analog playback setup.

Some readers might even think what can possibly be gained past the point of the many fine sounding turntables available in the sub $4k or so range. If vinyl is such an imperfect medium then why obsess about one micron tolerances for tonearm bearings and such?

It turns out that much in the same way that some very clean electronic components and summit level loudspeaker systems can imbue music playback with a special excitement and musical engagement just by virtue of what colorations are missing as opposed to colorations being a signature part of the sound, the same holds true for turntables. And just as interesting is the notion that even when super clean vinyl playback starts to get close to digital clarity, that vinyl record still has an inherent something extra that I like hearing.

I heard a whole lot more of what I love about playing records when I played them on the Acoustic Signature Typhoon NEO/TA-5000 setup. Enough said.

Read the full review here 


Dimensions (W x D x H / mm)  450 x 460 x 190
Weight  35 kg
Drive System  3 AC-motors, belt drive with speed fine
adjustment, AVC-system level 2
Speed range  33 1/3 RPM and 45 RPM
Power adapter  External power supply (100 – 260 V AC)
Bearing  High-precision Dura Turn Diamond® Bearing
Chassis  75 mm aluminum alloy chassis with
height-adjustable aluminum feet
Platter  Anodized aluminum platter (Ø 310 x 50 mm / 13 kg)
with 24 Silencers (all Silencers made of polished brass,
optional: 24 carat gold-plated or polished chrome)
Tone arm base  up to 3 adjustable mounting boards for
9- to 12-inch tone arms
Colors  black (anodized), silver (anodized) or bi-color


The Ultimate TT setup from Acoustic Signature. At True Audiophile.

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