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A little History of Audion Tube Audio:
In 1986 David Chessel was technical director for Audio Innovations during a time when the company had an enviable reputation for sound quality. It was at this time and the few preceding years that a friendship flourished between David, and Audio Innovation’s initiator and one of Europe’s top audio designers Mr. Erik Anderson. Together they joined forces to form Audion
Audion was then established in 1987 by David Chessell and Erik Anderson, Audio Innovations changed hands and the original owner of Audio Innovations went on to buy into AudioNote Japan becoming AudioNote UK. The concept for Audion in those early days was to allow people to get an insight into audiophile high end without sacrificing their home or bank balance. This overall picture still holds true today for most of the current production with just a few bespoke built and designed products entering the upper echelons. During these first vital years of 1987 - 1990, Europe saw the release of the 1st and 2nd audio triode amplifiers, the first of its kind from a western manufacturer designed by Erik and produced under the direction of David. Unbelievably, this was to set the trend throughout the world for triode amplifiers of the highest sonic quality. Audion was first to market with many new products and won many awards for doing so.
1992, a re-launched copy of the 300B by Golden Dragon enabled Audion with their base in the UK, to enable a superior amplifier to be designed and distributed around the world. The first joint product was the infamous “Audion Silver Night” mono-blocks, and Noel Keywood provided us a front-page debut in Hi-Fi World with an “educational” review with regard to sound quality and technical specifications for a no-feedback design. This level of excellence fired the imaginations of many audiophiles and promoted the company into the limelight as one of the world’s innovators once again. The worldwide acclaim that followed elevated Audion to the greatest heights.
The following years saw the introduction of many new products, most of which are contained within this site and are world beaters in many areas including best sound, best audio art, and most innovative product together with professional high build quality and reliability, at competitive prices.
Erik now lives in Sweden, but still works very closely with us delivering new products and world-class designs. A result of this most recently has been the DUO dual 300B/2A3 power amplifiers in our latest design chassis, adding to the world famous Audion range to keep us at the forefront of high-end audio design.
Graeme Holland, the owner of Audion since 2000 spearheads the company. He brings a unique flair and presence to Audion. His innovative approach and industry insight allows Audion, its products and people to remain at the cutting edge of technological advancements and to excel in the cut throat industry of modern tube technologies. And now having celebrated its 20th Anniversary with a bevy of new products to boot. Graeme Holland, takes the company from Strength to strength.
Here is a pdf full catalog of Audio products you can download.