Tom Evans Master Vibe PreAmp. The New Standard.
Now at True Audiophile
This is the new two-box reference preamp from Tom Evans. Read the latest review of it posted below. The Master Vibe Reference pre-amp truely is setting a new standard for pre-amps. The noise floor is 0.00002% so all you will hear is the music without any of the usual hash or noise -- True Audiophile Mini Review
Reviewer's Choice - Part Time Audiophile:
"The MasterVibe preamplifier and The Linear B power amplifiers do have a clarity and a realism that can change your mind about what you’d like to hear."
The MasterVibe was designed to get the most from the Linear Bs. Its signal bandwidth is 0.159 Hz – 680 kHz. The gain stages are extremely linear and better than 0.01 db between 20 Hz – 20 kHz, phase errors are also cancelled to zero across and far beyond the audio bandwidth. (The ear/brain is very sensitive to minute changes in time (phase) verses frequency.) The MasterVibe’s high current output stages are also extremely fast with square wave rise and fall times measured in sub 5 nanoseconds. The resulting effect allows the MasterVibe to drive long lengths of interconnect cable (and their increased ) capacitances with ease.
Both odd and even order harmonic distortion figures are also extremely low as is the noise floor, and the MasterVibe uses several layers of unique complex class A regulator pcb designs inside. The signal path is fully DC coupled and with the benefit of a complex DC detection/protection relay circuit. I avoided using ‘cheap’ digital ICs for remote control volume due to their limited signal dynamic range and higher distortion The one we chose is a high quality 24 position motorized stepped attenuator using non inductive 0.1% surface mount resistors.
The MasterVibe can also be ordered with both RCA and XLR balanced line outputs if needed. Although my preference is single ended RCA output for home use. By adding balanced output stages effectively adds additional distortion to the signal. Specs aside, I would like to make it very clear that the ‘goal’ in high fidelity is to reproduce the recorded arts as they were intended by the original artist(s) and not add or subtract anything away from the recorded event.
- Frequency responce - 0.159 Hz - 680 kHz.
- Linearity between 20 Hz - 20 kHz - 0.01 db.
- Channel balance 0.00 db @ 1kHz.
- Maximum output voltage- 30 volt peak.
- Distortion figure 0.00002%
- Phase flat to 200 kHz.
- The high current / speed output stages will drive capacitive loads.
- Power consumption- 10 Watt.