LessLoss 640x FireWall Single Unit Conditioner. No Caps. No Coils. Almost Magic
At True Audiophile.
Available for Audio Concierge (in Home Demo)
We have consistently listened to audio cables in a quest to find the ultimate performance for price. We've known about the vaulted LessLoss line for a while and now we have become one of only 2 dealers in the U.S. to be given the privilege to offer the full line. A little too much gushing? You won't think so when you hear them.-- Mini Review by True Audiophile
"Without direct experience, it’s very easy to label C-MARC Firewall 64X as a typical snake oil case. A rather costly petite wooden box filled with stuff most people won’t even bother to read about, is asking for nothing but trouble. However, its audible action is what naysayers might find truly troublesome instead. All it takes is to plug today’s Firewall in and have a listen. Simple, ain’t it?...
... plus audible performance boost within each junction of my setup, are clear indicators of a job well done. In fact, well enough to now encourage you to try for yourself ...for the educational sake of witnessing how beneficial silence injection can be for our components. But most importantly, as a link between my DAC and power cable connected to a wall outlet directly, the LessLoss C-MARC Firewall 64X was profoundly effective, very much unexpected, all in all superb. Used in that way it surely has what it takes to dethrone many full-sized costly power cleaners, of course as long as one’s willing to get on without their protective circuits and multiple outlets. ‘Till next time!" Dawid Grzyb,HiFi Knights 2019
"best I have experienced in my system."
"a layer of artificiality is removed to reveal a more truthful presentation of the music and the artist's intent"
"The colors were richer, the palette was more profound, and the background canvas was calmer. Everything results in an acoustic image that is less distracting"
"Upon initial listening, I was immediately struck by the change the Firewall 640x brought to my sound."
"The tension that I associate with electronic reproduction in general and digital reproduction specifically was significantly reduced"
"It was simply easier to listen to music and allow myself to be fooled by the illusion and bath in that illusion for long periods."
"It is as if my whole body relaxes and does not feel the need to "work" to listen to the music."
"The entire performance was raised to a level I had not previously heard in my listening room"
"The performers' individuality was more outlined, and the Wah-Wah sounds of the different horns were very distinct. I could tell if the horn was directly facing me or slightly off-angle."
"the Firewall 640X takes applause to a new level of reality in my system. The individuality of the clapping hands and the character of each clap is much better distinguished. Crowd noise and whistling in the background, along
with the applause, were all the best I have experienced in my system."
"quiet details are more fully revealed and subtle notes have a bit more dynamic quality standing out against the background in more significant relief."
"The decay of notes and the sense of space is magnified, pulling you into the music. As the piece progresses to its peak, instruments remain locked in place and maintain their individuality."
"I did not sense any dynamic compression with the Firewall in place."
"I was enamored by the impact of the Firewall 640x. Piano tone and body take on greater weight, and individual notes become more easily understood. The very subtle nuances of Ms. Horn's singing were more apparent. Sighs and breaths took on a more significant role in the emotion of the song."
"Brushes on the skin of a drumhead are more detailed, and I was able to understand better the drummer 'working' the brush on the drum."
"The impact of the Firewall 640x was not subtle, and it was quickly apparent in my system. Many types of information were more readily revealed, the space the recording was made in, the reverberation trail of the instruments, the individual components of harmony, subtle inflections of the artist on their instrument. Voices and instruments have a more truthful timbre and occupy a more believable space and yield more dynamic expression within that space. All of this led me to feel more connected with the music as it sounded less reproduced and more accurate. I will say this 'connection to the music' was more consistently present in my system throughout the day and night than has been in the past."
"I will tell you now that I will be adding the LessLoss Firewall 640x C-MARC to my list of 'waypoint' products that have reset my expectations in a product category."
May 18th , 2021
Hi, finally I have installed the 640x’s in my system (DIY oakwood boxes), one in front of my source and my preamp and the...
This is an amazing product, I was surprised at the difference it made. The improvement was immediately...
However, the C-MARC 640x improves on all parameters - an outstanding procuct.
Congratulations on yet another success!
for my power distributor that only supports the phono amp and my Mc step-up transformer.
I listened to three tracks with the 64 X Module and then installed the new 640 X.
Right away this...
Delivery of my order had been perfect. After a very limited listening time I am convinced that upgrading from 64x to 640x BRINGS a very substantial improvement in the musicality of my system. Congratulations for this new success of LessLoss and a big thank to your team.
I received the FW 640x. Thanks for the super fast shipping.
It is better than the 64x, for sure. Well done! Better on every dimension, resolution and musicality!
The 640X is amazing. It is on my transport the place where your filters have had the least impact in the past compared to power amp and powered woofers. It is MUCH more transparent with a much lower noise floor and increased space and depth. Increased tonality as well. These changes pale in comparison to the sense of musical expression it allows-even with distortion and poor tone ie Woodstock Live it feels like the performers are in front of you blasting away. The micro-dynamics become macro-dynamics as the singer gains both nuance and dynamic power. Artistic intent to the max! Cannot wait to hear these on my power components.
Firewall for Speakers replaced "black box" speaker filters costing twice as much and, after break-in, made my vintage Sound Lab speakers BLOSSOM to new heights and a never before attained enjoyment of my system.
Featuring the latest and most advanced LessLoss Skin-filtering technology, the Firewall Module blocks noise pollution to levels traditional capacitor and coil-based solutions can only hope to approach. Developed from our critically acclaimed DFPC (Dynamic Filtering Power Cable), the LessLoss Firewall Module reveals hidden subtleties of the entire audio event as it eliminates the widespread negative effects of high frequency noise pollution. Use the Firewall module with any equipment so that its potential performance can be realized in today's over-polluted electro-magnetic atmosphere.
"Without direct experience, it’s very easy to label C-MARC Firewall 64X as a typical snake oil case. A rather costly petite wooden box filled with stuff most people won’t even bother to read about, is asking for nothing but trouble. However, its audible action is what naysayers might find truly troublesome instead. All it takes is to plug today’s Firewall in and have a listen. Simple, ain’t it?...
... plus audible performance boost within each junction of my setup, are clear indicators of a job well done. In fact, well enough to now encourage you to try for yourself ...for the educational sake of witnessing how beneficial silence injection can be for our components. But most importantly, as a link between my DAC and power cable connected to a wall outlet directly, the LessLoss C-MARC Firewall 64X was profoundly effective, very much unexpected, all in all superb. Used in that way it surely has what it takes to dethrone many full-sized costly power cleaners, of course as long as one’s willing to get on without their protective circuits and multiple outlets. ‘Till next time!" Dawid Grzyb,HiFi Knights 2019 Read Full Review by Clicking Here
These are actual consumer reviews:
It's always after adding to or changing something in your audiosystem that you realise it was not perfect before.
So when for the first time (oct. '18) I added a Firewall 64X to my C.E.C. transport I was astonished that there could be such an improvement in 3D performance, quietness around voices and instruments, an even more tightened expression of the mid-lows and lows etc etc. Because spaciousness, clear definition and separation of instruments in highend reproduction is what I like I thought I had reached that already quite well in my system. But indeed.... it did become better with the Firewall 64X. Immediately I regretted not to have ordered more Firewalls for this attractive earlybird price.
However half a year later there was this upgrade version of the Firewall: the C-Marc Firewall 64X and indeed again with earlybird special prices. So in june '19 I received a package with 5 of the new Firewalls. Systematically I
-first replaced the CD-transport Firewall for the new one: no doubt about it, still more improvement in the qualities I described before.
-then I daisy-chained 3 of the new Firewalls before the power distribution as advised in some reviews. I was not happy with that solution: although very airy I experienced the overall sound as "lost in control", "disorderly".
-then succesively I added a new Firewall to my tube DAC, the tube pre-amp, both the tube monoblocks and everyone of these steps meant a further improvement in highend quality of my system, the 2nd to 5th step maybe not as overwhelming as the first one, but clearly observable.
Now about 6 weeks after first implementation of the new Firewalls it's still getting better especially in definition and quiteness which for some probably sounds odd but which means that there is no "smearing" of other noises around the instruments/voices you like to hear.
Non-audiophiles will probably say: but it's about the music. We audiophiles know that perfect reproduction of this same music let you enjoy this same music so much more. These Firewalls mean a large step into the direction to the perfect sound.
P.S.: In recent years I sometimes thought about changing my powercables. You can understand I stopped thinking about that now....
07/24/2019 by Joerg Mehnhardt
Custom power distributor with six onboard Firewall 64X modules.
Just received the distributor today. Almost had to ask how to get it out of the perfectly made box :)
The color fits nicely into the room and it looks impressive overall. Moved it behind the rack though after the first few songs and knowing, I will never turn back.
What can I say … bass again deeper, stronger and better controlled. Richer colors and textures, more "organic". More consistent and coherent sound sources of all kinds. And more palpable. I almost tried to grab a harmonica. And all this within less than an two hours after plug-in.
Unfortunately, you did not send any instructions … So, how can I get rid of the musicians in my room. They won’t leave even after finishing their songs :)
Louis, chapeau!!!!
Thanks for this wonderful device (is this just a device???) and thank you too for your patience with me.
It was a lot of fun to chat with you, and I hope, I did not get on your nerves too much.
My review for publishing has to wait until later, after a little more burn-in.
Thanks again and have a great weekend,