All NEW Audion Sterling Quad EL84 P.S.E
This is possibly the first in the world in terms of Parallel Single Ended EL84 Amplifiers. What exists now are generally push-pull. This NEW amp, being parallel single-ended, is far richer in tone and more transparent. Plus, having 14-18 Real Audion Watts in full class A. means it can drive speakers in the high 80's to 90dB. The result is astonishing to us. We normally prefer large SET tubes, yet this little amp has that richness and tone we are used to. It comes in various configurations, including two types of integrated. -- Mini Review by True Audiophile.
The main reasoning behind that amp has been customer led, Audion has been told by many people how they like the EL84 tube and how they wished Audion would make something like it again.
Years back Audion did make an EL84 amp in the early 80's with a product called the Audion "Intro". That was a forerunner to their Sterling range.
After speaking with customers, dealers and distributors at shows over the last few years Audion concluded that as much as people like the EL84 tube they needed something with a bit of power. Yet one that also had finesse and showed off the tube properly. Most importantly, something that was different from the current
Thus the concept of their EL84 PSE amp was born.
After looking at what was currently offered in the market, a multiple tube design was deemed the most logical idea.
However, everyone seemed to do only push pull versions.
Audion was told that single ended didn't give enough power or was difficult to stabilise or just was not what people thought possible.
After a lot of designing and circuit changes, Audion came up with the first commercially available 8 tube parallel single ended EL84 amplifier, boasting 14 - 18 watts (mains power dependent) in full class A.
The choke power supply and 9 active power supply stages make this very quiet (sub 1.5mV noise floor) and powerful with deep transients, extended highs and very low second order harmonic distortion.
Audion compared it to an EL34 Sterling on steroids.. The beautiful rich sound that the EL84 gives but with power to boot.
Tight bass that surprised everyone dropping below 10Hz at +/- 2dB, with highs going up to above 65kHz before any roll off.
A specially designed output transformer was needed to achieve this, so Audion used interleaved output transformer which they designed to work their magic into this amp.
Sterling Stereo EL84 PSE
Power: 2 x 14-18 Watts Class A into 8 Ohms at 120V AC
Load: 8 Ohm Nominal
Distortion @ 1Watt: <0.1% No Feedback
Frequency Response: <10 to >50KHz ±1 db
Sensitivity: Variable >200mV Full output
Noise: < (CCIR) – 80 db
Consumption: 186 Watts
Tubes: 8 x EL84, 2 x 6H23N