Tom Evans Linear B MK3 Mono Blocks. Perfection?

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Tom Evans NEW Linear B Mono Blocks. Is it really possible these are the perfect amps?

Now at True Audiophile

Everything is comparison based. From food to houses to cars to spouses -- to audio. Enough people throughout the world claim these are the perfect amp and destroy amps costing 2x their price. We're in awe. Finally, a high power amp with the sonics of a low power amp. -- True Audiophile Mini Review

Highly recommended - Part Time Audiophile

"The MasterVibe preamplifier and The Linear B power amplifiers do have a clarity and a realism that can change your mind about what you’d like to hear. Think about it–the last three amplifiers I’ve reviewed have been the $80,000 Burmester 909 MK5 power amplifier, the $53,200 True Life Audio TSI-300 integrated amplifier–both powerhouses–and the Allnic Audio T-1500 Mk. II integrated, which is amazing because it costs less than $10K. I couldn’t think of three amplifiers that are more different from each other in design and execution, and yet all delivered music to my ears that made me happy to be alive. Add the Tom Evans Audio Design amplification, and you have a bridge game, a fourth opinion that doesn’t help one iota when it comes to finding that One True Sound, which doesn’t exist. When it comes to A Sound You Will Love, however, The MasterVibe and The Linear B would like a word with you. Tom Evans has had one goal all along, and it’s making recorded music sound like the real thing.

Isn’t that what you’ve always wanted? I’ve been chasing that goal for a long time, and Tom Evans Audio Design has been chugging along all these years with shared objectives, and this reunion makes me very happy. Highly recommended."

Read Full Review Here

Finally, a high power amplifier with the sonics of a low power amplifier.

The Linear B is a unique hybrid design which strives to incorporate all the finest technologies in critical positions to eliminate any unwanted added harmonics, including any distortion mechanisms found in conventional power amp designs. It is a wholly differential design from input to output stages, meaning any unwanted added even order harmonics are cancelled to zero right through from input/driver stages through to the output stages.

“The input and driver stage’s remaining 3rd order added harmonics are better than minus 140 db below the signal. The output stages are two composite tubes each made from 8x EL84s in parallel per side to form two large power tubes running in class A with local feedback (ultra linear) used to reduce any remaining 3rd order harmonics. This breakthrough results in harmonic distortion well below signal level.

Additionally, there are no other higher order harmonics produced by the unusual output stages. Tom Evans also took this approach to avoid the very poor intermodulation distortion figures inherent in all conventional tube amp designs.

“The circuits are also DC coupled throughout avoiding any added coloration of signal caused by AC coupling capacitors in the signal path. Signal bandwidth at 1 Watt is 10 Hz – 190 kHz. Running them at full power, the signal bandwidth is still 10 Hz to over 50 kHz,  but running at full power would be way too loud to remain in the listening room with them. The composite tube output stages also have an inherently low output impedance and will drive 2.5 Ohm loads when switched to zero global feedback. We also found that adding global feedback causes dynamic compression of the signal.

“The feedback switch on the rear panel allows a person to add small amounts ( apprx 0.5 db steps ) of global feedback to further lower the amps output impedance to drive even harsher speaker loads.We always advise customers to use the minimum amount of global feedback they can get away with for best results. The unusual box shape was designed using thermal probes to make sure any heat produced by the composite tube output stages rises very fast keeping the electronics cool and providing the design with longevity.

Mono and Stereo Review

 I already own Tom Evans Groove x phone preamplifier as part of my reference system. It's by far one of the quietest and fastest phono stages I heard, money no object.

Tom Evans Linear B monoblocks are a rare and unique birds. Eight EL-84 tubes per channel and driven directly by an OP amp. In this configuration EL- 84 are simulating the famous legendary Japanese triode in behavior.

You'll have to take a deep breath when Tom Evans Linear hits your aura. This is like driving Formula One. It is the fact, that Linear B require very good preamp to show it's best, but when paired right, this is one of the few power amps I would call "best".

If this would be packed in the different enclosure and charged "correctly" you would have 50k figure at least.

The Tom Evans Linear B amplifier is truly a revolutionary, ground-breaking design.

Both the Linear A stereo amp, and the Linear B monoblock amps are ultra-wide bandwidth designs with vanishingly low levels of distortion. More importantly, unlike some other amps with those same two qualities, these amps are incredibly involving and a joy to listen to.

The Tom Evans Linear B monoblock amps differ significantly in design from the Linear A stereo amp. The Linear B is not simply a monoblock iteration of the Linear A, but is a new breed of power amplifier.

The Linear B uses Differential Global Feedback, a world first. As a 55 watt mono amplifier, the Linear B is able to produce 150 decibels of dynamic range. The output transformers have been designed to produce real power into loudspeaker impedances of 3 ohms and above.

Listening comments which apply to the Linear A also apply to the Linear B, but more so...

This really will bring your recorded music to life!

The new Mk3 power amps both have 'user variable feedback' a multi position switch sited on the rear of the amps just below the bespoke 'purest' Copper binding posts. Both amp designs have a low enough output impedance when switched to zero feedback to drive a range of impedances that will cover and drive pretty much all speaker designs.

Used in this way they will provide the listener with an accurate reproduction of the recorded event but without the usual dynamic compression and loss of finer detail caused by feedback itself. Both designs will also match the varying impedance of your loudspeakers across frequency assuring a flat in room frequency response (unlike all transistor power amp output stages!).


  • Tubes: 8x EL84 per mono amp.
  • Pure Class A push pull.
  • Variable user selected feedback
  • Self cancelling harmonic distortion which becomes nears Zero
  • 55 Watt per channel.
  • Minimum speaker impedance when switched to zero feedback is 2.5 Ohm.
  • They will match a speakers varying impedance across frequency from 2.5 Ohm and upwards to provide a flat in room frequency response when switched to zero feedback.  
  • With 3db of feedback switched in they will drive 1.5 Ohm loads.
  • Bandwidth is 10 Hz - 190kHz.


Tom Evans Linear B Mono Blocks. At True Audiophile.

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