TAOC Audio Isolation Platforms from Japan

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TAOC Audio Isolation Platform HC50C and HC50W from Japan. A Bargain in Superb Isolation.

AT True Audiophile.

We're always, always looking for products that are best in class but also best for the budget. While these platforms may look plain we can assure you they work incredibly well. We sell a lot of them for turntables up to $23K and other audio gear that needs to be isolated. -- True Audiophile mini review

The TAOC Audio Isolation Platforms come in two composites that provide different effects.

The HC50C is Neutral and Dynamic. Its the Black Version. We use these a lot under turntables.

The HC50W is a warmer sounding platform and we use these under digital or any component that veers towards bright. Its the Yellow Version. 

At their price we haven't found better.

TAOC HC-50C Isolation. Neutral and Dynamic. At True Audiophile.