Takatsuki 300B Vacuum Tubes. World's finest 300B produced today.
"The best 300B tubes we have ever heard" Mini Review by True Audiophile.
Price is per matched Pair.
Only 50 pairs made each month for the entire world.
Be aware of Grey Market. You will not get a US Warranty.
These are now special order only
We have searched the world for the finest 300B Vacuum tube made today. Afte a long and sometimes painful search we arrived at the same place all the reviewers and audiophiles arrived at: The TA-300B are absolutely the finest 300B tubes made today. There is no comparison. These tubes are spectacular in both performance and longevity. Yes, they are costly. We can't do anything about that fact. However, you invested a considerable amount in your amp and system. So why not push it to the next level of sonics that will shock and amaze you for many, many years. - True Audiophile mini review
From 6Moons Review: ...by far the best tubes I heard in my life and only a direct comparison to the Western Electric 300B from old stock—really... old and not from the last reissue—might change that assessment but I wouldn’t bet on it. The smoothness and midrange saturation coupled to incredible energy shattered not only me. The two Create Audio tubes are fantastic and unbeatable for the money. They differ from each other to introduce valid choice. But the Takatsuki is in another league (also financially) yet when you look for something at the top, there are only the old Western Electric or the modern TA-300B.
From Dagogo Review: ... The Takatsuki’s are the only tube which I would consider using in place of the [true NOS] Western Electric 300B
Highfidelity Review: Those are by far the best tubes I heard in my life and only direct comparisons with the Western Electric 300B from old stock (but really old, and not from the last re-edition) could change something about that. But not for sure."
"Nevertheless I have no doubt about the value of the Takatsuki tubes. This is a real discovery – the Japanese created something like the WE of our times. And until I do not hear anything better, better organized, more mature, those tubes will be the reference for me."
Type: directly heated triode vacuum tube
Filament voltage: 5V/1.2A
Maximum voltage: 450V
Maximum current: 100mA
Maximum consumption: 40W