This promise is the holy grail of Audio. We only carry one brand of power conditioning which is purely passive.
Because conditioners add almost as much as they subtract. Almost every single one is a compromise.
Batteries have long promised quiet at the expense of dynamics. When we heard of Stromtank I don't know if we could've yawned any bigger.
Then we started to research it because it was customer driven. We talked to all the reviewers we knew which is most of the Editors of the top U.S. magazines. They all claimed Stromtank did what it promised. No compromise. No current limiting.
The thought that someone cracked it was eye opening. We sold one to a client who is insanely fussy and these were his comments:
"First impression. Holy f-ck!!!!!!!!
Sorry for the language but nothing else makes sense. It is immediate and significant.
Listening at 75% of normal volume with better detail musicality. Tighter more natural bass. Beautiful.
I think I have listening fatigue…..I just can’t stop listening to my system.
The Storm tank is a game changer. The change is immediate and significant. The system is more musical, the detail is enhanced. Any sharpness that existed previously is magically gone.
Everything sounds more real. Where I felt I was missing power, I no longer feel that way. There is an ease to the sound that is sweet.
The bass is clearer and it is easy to determine what instrument is hitting the bass note.
Wow, I can’t imagine anyone that auditions this piece of equipment can send it back."
That is an actual customer review. We're not sure technically how they were able to achieve this, but they sure did. Forget any other power conditioner. Seriously.
The only downside? Not cheap. However, when you find all the components you thought you needed and now do not, maybe not that expensive.