SoundSmith. The Voice High-Output Cartridge
Now at True Audiophile
Trying to find a solid line of cartridges that allow an audiophile to reach a higher level of performance without the price penalty has been an incredible challenge. After years of listening to just about every line of cartridges we are confident SoundSmith fulfills that criteria. --True Audiophile mini review
"The Voice will wring every last drop of performance from it at a price that, in a world where most competitors go for two, three and four grand (up to ten large), is extremely reasonable and probably a great bargain. It is easily a reference quality cartridge with the added edge of being supremely musical, which is why Peter is going to have to pry this thing from my cold, bloody hand to get it back!" - James Darby, StereoMojo
Kudos, accolades and many “Product of the Year” awards. The pinnacle of High Output designs – from Soundsmith – of course.
Since its introduction in 2009, The Voice has won numerous "product-of-the-year" awards and is – in Peter Ledermann’s words –"probably the best High Output cartridge in production today." Our design goal was to produce the lowest moving mass high output design possible using novel and advanced technology. Featuring a single crystal Ruby Cantilever and our Optimized Contour Line Contact Stylus, we developed a specialized metallurgy for the low mass moving iron system.
A cartridge that disappears. After all, if it sounds like a “record" it’s wrong. The cartridge should bring your directly to the performance; not stand between you and the music.
Also available in dual-coil mono.
1 Year
Cartridge Type: Fixed Coil
Stylus Type: Contact Line
Output: High
Output Voltage: 2.12 mV
Available As Dual Coil Mono: Yes
Additional Specifications
Stylus: Contact Line Nude, 0.100mm SQ selected for low noise
Radius of curvature: OCL (Optimized Contour Contact Line)
Cantilever: Ruby
Recommended tracking force: 1.3 - 1.6 gm (standard medium Compliance); 1.0 - 1.2 grams for special order High Compliance
Effective tip mass: 0.30 mg
Compliance: 28 μm/mN (high), 22 μm/mN (medium)
Frequency response: 20-20,000 Hz ±1.0 dB
Channel separation (stereo only): 1000 Hz >30 dB, 50-15,000 >25 dB
Channel difference: <0.5 dB (Stereo), <1.0 dB (Mono)
Output voltage (The Voice): 2.12 mV
Cartridge weight: 6.8 grams
Loading (The Voice): ≥ 47 kΩ