SoundSmith Hyperion MkII, Low-Output Phono Cartridge. Respected
Now at True Audiophile
Trying to find a solid line of cartridges that allow an audiophile to reach a higher level of performance without the price penalty has been an incredible challenge. After years of listening to just about every line of cartridges we are confident SoundSmith fulfills that criteria. --True Audiophile mini review
“Other cantilevers are synthesized,” said Ledermann. “We grow these. We listened to some music. The sound was not prickly or thorny at all. It was clean, clear, and immediate—bold and well-controlled—with vibrant colors and good senses of rhythm, touch, and scale. The truest testament to the quality and performance of any audio component is what others in that industry have to say about it." - Stereophile Magazine
"I wanted to provide our thoughts on the performance of the Hyperion ES MK II. The overriding comment is that the Hyperion is the finest cartridge we have ever used. Comparative cartridges have included a broad range of top Japanese and German manufactured units. Among the Hyperion’s attributes and stand-out characteristics are its neutral and precise presentation. Neutral, but not in the sense of bland, emotionless and uninvolving. Neutral in the Hyperion’s case is an instrument that does not accentuated any aspect of the frequency range or cause coloration. There is no loss of information, attack or dynamics – it is all there. The music is lifted from the grooves in an effortless manner enveloping the listener in a massive three dimensional soundstage. Precision. Following sufficient break-in (not long) it is apparent the Hyperion reproduces music as intended. There is a realism to the presentation that other cartridges cannot approach. When you listen via the Hyperion you are playing the music, not the cartridge – it is a perfect reflection of the musicians and their art." -- SoundStar
The HYPERION is the cartridge of choice for the most esteemed audio equipment manufacturers. Why? Because when they exhibit their gear at HiFi shows, they want their turntable, amplifier or speaker systems to sound the very best that they can! Peter Ledermann‘s radical design utilizes an actual “cactus spine” for the cantilever. The naturally tapered shape, stacked columnar fibers and desiccated resin damping fit the exact parameters of the perfect cantilever: Low mass, extreme rigidity, internal damping, and tremendous strength. Also available in a Dual Compliance Design for older Linear Tracking turntables as the HYPERION LT. The Hyperions are offered with a choice of CL or OC-CL stylus. Each one hand crafted by Peter Ledermann - Made in the USA.
10 Years Parts and Labor
Cartridge Type: Fixed Coil
Stylus Type: Contact Line O.C. Contact Line
Output: Low
Output Voltage: 0.4 mV
Available As Dual Coil Mono: Yes
Additional Specifications
Stylus: Contact Line Nude, 0.100mm SQ
Radius of curvature
Selected Diamond shapes: CL or Optimized (OCL)
Cantilever: Hand formed/treated selected Cactus "Spine"
Recommended tracking force: 1.8 to 2.2 grams
Effective tip mass: 0.30 mg
Compliance: 10 μm/mN (low compliance) (LT) | 12 μm/mN vertical | 7 μm/mN horizontal
Frequency response: 20-20,000 Hz ± 1.0 dB
Channel separation (stereo only): 1000 Hz >36 dB (LT: > 34dB), 50-15,000 >25 dB
Channel difference: <0.5 dB (Stereo) <1.0 dB (Mono)
Output Voltage: ≥0.4 mV
DC Resistance (DCR): 10-11 Ω each channel
Coil: 2.75 mH each channel
Suggested Preamp Gain: 58-64 dB
Soundsmith Recommends: MCP2 Variable Loading Preamp
Cartridge weight: 10.25 grams
Loading: ≥ 470 Ω