LessLoss C-Marc Power Cables. Find a Better Cable for the Price! You won't.
At True Audiophile.
Available for Audio Concierge (in Home Demo)
We have consistently listened to audio cables in a quest to find the ultimate performance for price. We've known about the vaulted LessLoss line for a while and now we have become one of only 2 dealers in the U.S. to be given the privilege to offer the full line. A little much gushing? You won't think so when you hear them.-- True Audiophile Mini Review
Note* Standard Price is for a 2M cable or 6.5 Feet. Buy 2 cables and get 5% off! Buy 3+ and get 10% off.
"The LessLoss cable loom helped me hear more deeply into recordings . . . a high compliment for any piece of audio gear." by Mark Blackmore | The Audio Beat 2019
I LOVE the sound, by the way. It's a LOT more revealing, complete blackness and ultra-quiet background and great bass. The Less Loss cables were fantastic. Tighter imaging, revealing, better bass. The cords make a big difference, as does the interconnect...(Actual True Audiophile customer review)
Real customer review (read full review in Review Tab)
“The Less Loss C-Marc range is the most appealing and effective cabling and power treatment I have ever found at its price point and at those 2x or 3x above. To get to the punchline, a complete set — interconnects, speaker cables, digital coax, power cords, and C-Marc 64x for each component — delivered in my system (1) more focus and coherence around vocals and instrumentation along with a larger soundstage (2) less harshness around some highs; and (3) rich but controlled and tighter bass. The biggest improvement, however, is in the overall musicality and listening engagement which is MUCH higher with the C-Marc cable set for every genre of music I tried. The cabling allows the listener to shift focus from the cerebral aspects of critical listening in which each part of the musical performance is considered in a piecemeal manner to simply enjoying the music. For any one who values their system and is open to improvement, an audition of the full C-Marc kit is highly recommended...For any skeptics reading this, I had no interest in changing the cabling in any of my systems which were all performing well. Konstantin at Atilier 13 in Nashville offered to send me a C-Mark set at his expense just to see what I thought. In the end, the overall effect was so profound I purchased the full set — they were that good. At the C-mark price level, and at many price levels above, I have not found a better set of cabling that works equally well with tubes and solid-state, high efficiency horns and low efficiency two-way etc. C-Marc lets the inherent quality of whatever you have shine through to its fullest." H- New York
"At the top of my list."
"The LessLoss C-MARC power cable was their first product reviewed at this site, and awarded with our Victor badge on top of that. Three years ago I knew of no better solution, which is why two of these cords have been on duty under my roof ever since, and their use time can be counted in thousands of hours by now."
"LessLoss C-MARC's delivery was fully free from any excessive shine, itchiness, tension, nervousness and metallic tint, but at no cost paid by diluting the message or making it dull. Their approach took some edge off music without making it prettier than it was."
"...managed to blend clarity, transparency and backdrop blackness with tone, saturation and roundness, but in such a way that any biases towards any specific trait were kept in check. This evenness and polish were the clear sign of a higher-tiered, more mature performance."
"...C-MARCs rendered the same view deeper, wider, filled with more subtleties and higher oxygen content, which translated into more precisely outlined and articulate sound sources with no harm done to their humane textural fill."
"...multi-layered, breathing and utmost dark canvas sealed the deal. All in all, I've found the original C-MARCs very easygoing, relaxed, refined and meticulously balanced, and three years later my take on them didn't change."
[and on the C-MARC Entropic Process power cable]
"Now, moving on from the first C-MARC generation of power cables, their entropic-processed sibling is alike-profiled at its core and there's no question about it, but at the same time it offers substantially more."
"Although similar to the original, the latest C-MARC isn't just its slightly better version. On several counts it's a noticeably different product that also quickly revealed itself as far better by my standards."
"...both compared C-MARCs, quite identical in appearance, had me in for a big surprise. I first imagined that noticing any firm distinctions between them should take at least several days with enforced yet helpful breaks along the road, but that wasn't the case at all. [...] where the latest LessLoss positioned itself had revealed itself to me within minutes, and that I truly didn't expect."
"The newcomer C-MARC's take on the usual repertoire was quicker, more oxygenated, direct and immediate, just as if its general meta took a firm turn towards the hi-res route."
"...more articulate and speedier..."
"...perfectly clean."
"How my setup staged was the biggest difference of them all."
"The entropic-processed C-MARC located me inside that highly potent huge aural illusion even closer to sound sources than its kin, so it secured more points for their visibility and sensible physical feel."
"...packed more punch to net a substantially more elastic, sportier and tactile outcome, and had voices less chunky, yet more organic and articulate in comparison."
"Potency was the key word yet again."
"...pushed my rig's performance more. ...it simply became better."
"Considering how LessLoss' newly processed power cord presented itself against its very accomplished previous version, and how much this design progressed over the last three years in general, its price increase is fully justified in my book."
"Now the C-MARC Entropic Process power cord joins it at the top of my list."
"When I get to choose between penning a story about, say, a DAC and power cable, the former seems the far more appealing route in most cases but not today."
"LessLoss' noise-silencing technology is its most interesting and important work."
"...quite an unexpected surprise that this latest incarnation offers."
"My tip of the hat to team LessLoss for improving their own C-MARC game this meaningfully, and not charging an arm and leg for that progress."
Available for Demo via Audio Concierge Nationwide
C-MARC™. A new generation of high performance wire and cable, well-equipped to deal with today’s over-polluted electro-magnetic environment.
C-MARC™ is a new type of Litz wire. C-MARC’s noise reduction is based on the bucking coil method using two counter-polarized coils. Every strand's clock-wise turn aligns with a corresponding counter-clockwise turn of exactly mirrored diameter and step. The two resulting counter-polarized coils are mutually superposed. A second-scale fractal replication of the already bucking coils is then repeated. Through electrical cancellation of the induced noise, C-MARC™ provides an enormous signal-to-noise ratio in today's demanding environment.
C-MARC™ stands for Common-mode Auto-rejecting Cable.
C-MARC™ is unlike any other hookup wire or cable currently being produced. It is based on the bucking coil method of noise reduction, used most famously in twin coil pickup designs first developed in the mid-1930's to silence hum from electric guitars.
This type of guitar pickup was called the Humbucker because it 'bucks the hum,' i.e. noise, out of the desired guitar signal through phase cancellation of two counter-polarized inductors. When the inductors both induce a common signal, it is induced in opposite polarities by each coil. These opposite polarities then mutually cancel when the two counter-polarized noise currents are combined through simple electrical summation. Humbucking coils are also used in some microphone designs as well as in sensitive sensor technology where induced stray noise is not acceptable and the highest signal to noise ratio is desired.
LessLoss designs a new type of wire around the Humbucking principle
C-MARC™ wire is a special type of Litz wire. It features all of the known benefits of traditional Litz wire without Litz wire's disadvantage of being formed as an elongated coil (inductor).
Traditional Litz wire has these advantages over normal 'naked' multi-stranded wire and solid core wire:
- Litz wire has a greater ratio of surface area to cross sectional area, resulting in less phase smearing between lower and higher frequencies.
- Litz wire creates no distortions due to so-called “strand jumping” or diode effects resulting from loosely contacting oxide layers of adjacent naked strands.
- Litz wire is more flexible, practical and safer than solid core wire of the same large cross sectional area.
C-MARC™ wire shares all of the above advantages of traditional Litz wire, and advances the art with these additional unique benefits:
(1) Traditional Litz wire is bunched and then twisted in only one direction, leading to the formation an elongated group of uni-directional coils (inductors) of differing diameters, in structure resembling elongated overstretched springs of different sizes.
[fig. 1. (pending): Sketch of typical Litz structure where multiple coil diameters and single coil turn direction resemble several overstretched springs bunched together. This structure allows high speed of production.]
[fig. 2. (pending): Each long separately insulated Litz wire can be seen as a separate coil of a given diameter and step. The different diameters are a result of the bunching before mutual twisting.]
[fig. 3. (pending): Individual wires of differing thicknesses are bunched together to form different geometries. Many variations of Litz structure exist, most founded upon the main idea of first bunching and then twisting into spirals.]
"Type 7" Litz
[fig. 4. (pending): Some manufacturers offer braided Litz wire. This wire also is formed from initially bunched and mutually twisted strands before braiding. This type of wire is often referred to as Type 7 Litz wire and is compressed after braiding the twisted bunches into an overall rectangular shape before tape wrapping and over-extrusion.]
How C-MARC™ is profoundly different
In contrast, C-MARC™ wire goes down to the very fundamentals in a completely mirrored, balanced geometry. It aligns every Litz strand's clock-wise turn with a corresponding counter-clockwise turn of exactly mirrored diameter and step along the length of the wire. These two resulting spirals are mutually superposed in counter-braided fashion. Noise is thus induced in exactly opposite polarities and in exactly mirrored amplitudes, while the good signal is common to both spirals. The two counter-polarized noise signals mutually cancel when the two counter-polarized currents are combined through simple electrical contact at both ends of the wire. Thus, through auto-rejection of opposing electrical phase through summation at the ends, C-MARC™ wire perfectly counters the noise induction, whether from external sources or self-induced, which normally pollutes every other twisted Litz wire assembly. In this way, C-MARC™ wire achieves signal transfer which is corrupted substantially less than the industry has been able to achieve through other means.
[fig. 5. (pending): C-MARC™ Litz schematic layout. The clockwise and counter-clockwise spirals are mirrored in diameter, step and wire gauge, while at the same time being superposed in relation to one another. This results in opposite phase induction within the very structure of a single polarity line. While production speed is substantially slower, the silence of operation of C-MARC™ wire is far superior to standard Litz structures.]
(2) This is not all. LessLoss C-MARC™ wire features two-scale "fractal" replication of the aforementioned mutually superposed counter-twisted layout. This mirrored and nested structure further enhances the mutual cancellation of counter-polarized inductive twists, while at the same time allowing enlarged overall cable cross-sectional designs which serve to further lower resistance without at all sacrificing signal fidelity or flexibility.
[fig. 6.: C-MARC™ shown in two-scale fractal replication. Everything that occurs geometrically at the core level is again repeated at the larger level, thus further reducing induction of noise. Just as the initial clockwise and counter-clockwise spirals are mirrored in diameter, step and wire gauge, while at the same time being superposed in relation to one another, so, too, at the larger level. This makes the cable a very silent performer while not influencing the natural tone color of sensitive signals throughout the frequency spectrum.]
What this means
C-MARC™ is intrinsically the most silent wire on the planet and provides pure transmission of signal. The degree of silence of the working solution is in direct proportion to the degree of superposition of the counter-polarized twists as well as in the degree of their mirrored equality in terms of turn radius, step and resistance. The idea being that in the best of worlds, both opposite "polarities" of a single lead of C-MARC™ wire induce the exact same noise, and a perfect summation to zero will result at both ends of the line.
(3) Because the individual enameled wires which make up the unique Litz structure of the C-MARC™ wire are so small in diameter (0.125mm), this further enlarges the ratio between total surface area and total cross section for even better phase relationship along the entire spectrum.
(4) This structure further enhances flexibility and ease of bed on any axis, especially for large cross section cables, without unnecessarily enlarging the entire cable assembly.
(5) The strands used in C-MARC™ wire are covered with thinnest technically possible colorless enamel. They are solderable once tinned in a soldering pot.
(6) There is no plastic throughout; instead, C-MARC™ wire and cables are insulated with tightly braided 100% natural, gassed and macerated cotton fiber with double coverage for added protection. This results in a very lightweight, highly flexible, naturally sounding product with today's best performance characteristics for delicate audio applications with an enormous signal-to-noise ratio.
How does the new C-MARC™ Cable compare to the DFPC Reference?
The tonal character of C-MARC™ is more liquid, fluid, and resolves more detail from any recording. As good as the DFPC Reference is, it is still made of plastic (albeit very high quality plastic with excellent characteristics). Over and beyond the improvement in the C-MARC™ power cord that it is made entirely of cotton and a very thin layer of clear lacquer instead of plastic, the extremely well balanced counter-polarized coil technique lowers the noise even further than the very effective skin-filtering employed in the DFPC Reference, so the overall result is one of both lowered noise as well as one of purer tonal character. It is very easy to recognize these improvement straight from the start, even without burn-in.
Another improvement is found in the connectors. In C-MARC™ they are not made of brass, but are pure copper. And instead of glass filler in the black plastic of the housing, entirely clear and extremely stable plastic is used. And if that weren't enough, these connectors are cryogenically treated, whereas the 079's were not.
All of these improvements add up to provide obviously superior results, straight from the outset. After about 14 days of settling, the sound quality becomes even more organic and life-like. C-MARC™ is here to stay for a very long time. We feel confident that after a few years it will be recognized and employed in many different manufacturers' loudspeaker and equipment as internal hook-up wire.
One further advantage of C-MARC™ over the DFPC Reference is its extreme flexibility and light weight. Thus, even sensitively placed lightweight gear has the very best conditions to maintain the fine vibration control of even the most delicately positioned special tuning feet. See the following image for an idea of C-MARC™ cable's flexibility.
Literally over 100 Pro and Consumer rave reviews. Here's small sampling:
"The LessLoss cable loom helped me hear more deeply into recordings . . . a high compliment for any piece of audio gear." by Mark Blackmore | The Audio Beat 2019 Read Full Review Here
Full compliment C-Marc
H - New York
“The Less Loss C-Marc range is the most appealing and effective cabling and power treatment I have ever found at its price point and at those 2x or 3x above. To get to the punchline, a complete set — interconnects, speaker cables, digital coax, power cords, and C-Marc 64x for each component — delivered in my system (1) more focus and coherence around vocals and instrumentation along with a larger soundstage (2) less harshness around some highs; and (3) rich but controlled and tighter bass. The biggest improvement, however, is in the overall musicality and listening engagement which is MUCH higher with the C-Marc cable set for every genre of music I tried. The cabling allows the listener to shift focus from the cerebral aspects of critical listening in which each part of the musical performance is considered in a piecemeal manner to simply enjoying the music. For any one who values their system and is open to improvement, an audition of the full C-Marc kit is highly recommended and I would say should be nearly a requirement for anyone starting a system from scratch.
For those for whom some more detail might be of interest — I currently have three high end systems, each with a different character. Over the years, I have seriously listened to a dozen different brands of cabling and power conditioning at a range of price points commesurate with the level of investment in each overall system. Virtually all sets of cables were above the price of a full C-Marc set -- at times many multiples above. Each set of cables had pros and cons and some stayed in each system and when they did, it would be the full set of cables for coherence. Often moving from one set cables to another in each system usually changed one or two aspects of the presentation of the music. At times, while there was shift, the “net” result was not an improvement in my judgement. Other times, there was a “net” improvement but there remained a weakness in some aspect. The “best” cabling in my judgement lowers the noise floor of the system and “stays out” of the way as much as possible.
In many circumstances, the specific character of a set of cables can be used to compensate for the opposite characteristics the components possess. For example, “bright” cabling can compensate for a “dark” set of components. In my experience, this approach always leaves a sub-optimal net result but may be the most practical approach given the components in question. C-Marc’s character is neutral and I could not discern any particular emphasis the cables brought — they were not brighter or darker; they didn’t accentuate one part of the recording over the others; they did not appear to be faster or slower than other cables etc. Their main effect was to increase the effortlessness and fluidity of the music while improving the coherence and size of the soundstage. Imagine a sort of haze around the band or orchestra members that other cables impart or allow — C-Marc simply eliminated the haze (and occasional harness around some highs). In this sense, I believe C-Marc is likely eliminating various types of noise and interference present within and among the comments of the system, letting each play its role in the music delivery with minimal negative artifacts introduced. The net result was a notable increase in musicality and engagement with the music.
For anyone considering C-Marc one step at a time, my suggestion would be to start with either speaker cables or power cords. If it is possible to audition the whole set, even if finances may preclude the purchase of a whole set at once, I would recommend doing so, so that the full potential of the system in question can be heard with comprehensive C-Marc cabling.
For any skeptics reading this, I had no interest in changing the cabling in any of my systems which were all performing well. My U.S. dealer offered to send me a C-Marc set at his expense just to see what I thought. In the end, the overall effect was so profound I purchased the full set — they were that good. At the C-marc price level, and at many price levels above, I have not found a better set of cabling that works equally well with tubes and solid-state, high efficiency horns and low efficiency two-way etc. C-Marc lets the inherent quality of whatever you have shine through to its fullest.
C-MARC Power Cable
Date Added: 07/12/2019 by Joerg Meinhardt
Just got my distributor loaded with 6 integrated units of Firewall 64x two weeks ago and have enjoyed it so much. Will write a report on this separately.
So curious, what the other LessLoss products might be like after getting to know the fantastic Firewall Distributor, I ordered one C-MARC...
C-MARC Power Cable
Date Added: 06/05/2019 by Stephane P.
I have been a loyal client of Lessloss for years now, and have regularly upgraded.
I have the (previous version of) the CMarc power cords, alongside a FW64, and CMarc IC and speaker cables, and I love them. In my experience, these power cords (through the Firewall 64) provide high resolution and...
C-MARC Power Cable
Date Added: 03/20/2019 by Finn Mölmen, Norway
Just in time for Christmas 2018 I received four LessLoss C-Marc power cables. I used four DFPC's for trade-in, making the investment a treat. I introduced the C-Marc's one at a time in my set-up, exchanging the DFPC's successively, starting with my tube power amp. Immediately I experienced more snap,...
C-MARC Power Cable
Date Added: 02/20/2019 by Denis Godart
I used a C-MARC power cable on my preamp and a 2nd one on my DAC. The C-MARC power cables are very neutral and drastically reduce background noise, revealing harmonic nuances, soundscapes, micro-details, smooth listening, spacial info and locality of the instrumentalists; they allow you to get the most...
C-MARC Power Cable
Date Added: 01/31/2019
Cables delivered yesterday.
Spectacular improvement!
Noise floor falls away and instruments are absolutely rock solid in the sound stage. Even on tracks I know really well I am hearing new stuff.
The almost total absence of digital harshness means I can listen for as...
C-MARC Power Cable
Date Added: 05/25/2018 by ARMANDO ÁLVAREZ
Just received the C-MARC power cord and without waiting a minute to warm up the equipment, I was very, very impressed with the change.
The sound is wonderful, clean, real and authentic. It's like having the orchestra in front ... but a perfect orchestra!
Although it may seem incredible, the...
C-MARC Power Cable
Date Added: 02/14/2018 by mdc
After reaching the 200 hours mark, I believe it is time to let you know about the recent upgrade from 3 C-MARC power cables to 3 ‘Super’ C-MARC power cables.
My system is ‘minimalistic’: Accuphase cd player, Accuphase integrated amplifier, Sonus Faber speakers, complete LessLoss C-MARC loom,...
C-MARC Power Cable
Date Added: 02/08/2018 by Hans Martin Lie ( Norway)
This new power cable is just a very high efficient noise killer in every respect and not a powercable but a true sound enhancement. Espesially on the source components (CD, DAC RIAA) but also as a mains cable on a multiple outlet power filter. New unheard sublte detailed information is seeping through...
C-MARC Power Cable
Date Added: 02/02/2018 by Jörg Stanislawski
When this offer came, I couldn't resist to exchange my DFPC original with the C-MARC "super-cable".
Used with the power distributor the cable made a profound difference to the DFPC original.
Well, I expected this.
But it was shocking, when I replaced the DFPC on the Echo's End with the...