Kuzma 4Point Tone Arms are the Ultimate for Serious TT Owners.
This Arm likes a Cartridge with a Compliance of 25 or below
Stereophile: 4Point on Onedof turntable by M. Fremer: "It produced an experience like listening to open-reel tape, with imaging and soundstaging stability superior to those of any arm I've heard, including Continuum Cobra.-- Review
The highly customization and thrilling sounding Kuzma 4Point Tone Arm. There are so many customizing that we don't show any price.
Prices range from $9747.00 (DIN) - $178001.00 All Kuzma arms have been simplified. All come with the VTA Tower as standard on the 9", 11" and 14". Also deluxe Kuzma mounting collar is included as standard equipment
Configurations are DIN or RCA. Gold/Silver wire or Cardas Clear (a distinct preference among all of us and the show people). All 11" and 14" 4Point arms are now fitted with the latest-gen KLE RCA Silver Bullet RCA plugs
The 4Point differs from other tonearms by introducing several new and unique features.
The new zero-play bearing is configured on 4 points. The 4POINT tonearm has an effective length of 280mm (11-inch), a very precise VTA adjustment facility and fits their standard mount with a 212mm pivot-to-spindle distance.
The heart of this new design is the unique 4-point bearing. Two points (which are similar to a uni-pivot bearing) allow and control vertical movements of the tonearm. The other set of two pointed bearings allow and control horizontal (lateral) movements of the tonearm. All four points of the bearing have minimal friction and zero-play in all planes of movement, thus ensuring that the cartridge platform and the cartridge itself follow the grooves of an LP with extremely low friction and minimal vibrations.
4POINT’s main section is firmly connected to a very rigid and inert VTA tower which provides the option of fine adjustments of the vertical tracking angle either when the tonearm is stationary or while 6675 the LP is playing. All this, of course, without any loss of rigidity and with 0.01mm accuracy of adjustment and zero-play!
The main tube is accurately machined out of a solid rod of aluminium as in our Air Line parallel tracking tonearm. Two separate troughs offer independent damping of vertical and horizontal resonances allowing a very high degree of fine adjustment and tuning at all times. If so desired, damping troughs can be easily be detached from the tonearm.
4POINT’s arm balancing solution consists of two counterweights – the main weight allows an accurate overall balance once the cartridge has been installed, while the second, smaller weight provides extremely fine further adjustment for total tracking force accuracy.
Azimuth is adjustable by precise worm drive mechanism allowing very small, repeatable adjustments.
Detachable headshell is another distinctive feature of this superior tonearm. Using a small Allen key, one can completely remove the headshell from the arm tube while the arm wiring including cartridge pins remains uninterrupted in its single run. Our headshell is fixed with a hexagonal locking system which provides the same degree of rigidity as if the headhsell was permanently bonded to the arm tube.
4POINT’s internal wiring is of the highest quality using special alloy silver formulation. A single, uninterrupted set of 4 wires runs from the cartridge pins to the termination box and further to the Eichmann bullet RCA connectors (overall length 1.4m). Another (2nd) set of 4 wires runs simultaneously from the cartridge pins into the termination box and female Cardas rhodium RCA connectors, allowing use of an alternative tonearm cable between the termination box on the 4POINT and a phono input on your preamplifier. This, so called, bi-wiring approach gives the 4POINT tonearm the highest degree of flexibility and choice of parallel use of some of the very best cables available.