Atlas Reviews

Over the last 10+ years, Atlas has consistently won the praise of Industry Experts - and numerous awards - throughout the world.


Their Element RCA interconnect was voted What HiFi’s ‘Product of the Year’ three times in succession, while our Mavros S/PDIF digital interconnect was described by HiFi World as being “A quite magnificent digital cable that opens up the soundstage to give your music a breath fresh of air.” 

Our top of the range Asimi Ultra RCA interconnect is one of only two cables (and the only interconnect) selected for HiFi News’ 2015 round-up of the year’s best equipment while HiFi Choice summarised the Element USB cable as “a spectacular performer at a beer-budget price.”

A small sampling of Reviews:


Element Achromatic RCA

…the Element Achromatic RCA interconnect represents excellent value for money and sounds really good across a wide range of different musical genres.


Element Achromatic RCA

It remains consistent in its ability to keep a soundstage tidy, keep the frequency range smoothly integrated and ensure rhythms and tempos stay on the front foot.


Element Achromatic RCA

Most of the sonic advantages of midrange interconnects, at a budget price.


 Element Achromatic RCA

That such a relatively inexpensive cable can perform so well served to make me think again about price/performance and the law of diminishing returns.

Element Achromatic RCA

The sound seems to fill every nook and cranny in the listening room, which again demonstrates just how significantly cables can affect the quality of the soundstage.


 Element Integra RCA

We have definition, a wide-open soundstage, oodles of drive and attack…

Here’s a (cable) loom less concerned about minding its sonic p’s and q’s that has a winning way with textures and timbres and homes in on the emotional core of the music. 


Element Integra RCA

After running in, I play a variety of recordings and discover that the Element Integra works extremely well across a wide range of genres.

The Element Integra represents excellent value for money and so comes highly recommended.