Atlas Grun Outlet Adapter (NEMA)
Now at True Audiophile cable products
We literally spent 3 months testing this cable line both in-house and with clients. The initial claims made us suspicious. After all the feedback we gave in. These are remarkable cables, especially at their price. Feel confident that your hard earned audio dollars were well spent -- Mini Review by True Audiophile
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This grounding adapter works with all GRUN and above Atlas cables. Opposed to the main picture, it actually has 3 leads coming off of it ( like the drawing and video. So it can ground 3 pairs of Atlas cables.
An alternative to using the grounding posts on your equipment or on the Atlas Eos Modular 4.0 power distribution block, the Grun power adapter allows you to define a low-impedance path to ground using a spare electrical outlet. The sounds far better than a chassis ground or even elaborate i.e. expensive alternatives.
Atlas' latest generation Mavros Ultra and Asimi Ultra interconnects and Mavros speaker cables with ‘Grun’ compatibility offer a further step forward with clear performance gains. (the cable specification is otherwise unchanged).